The International Women’s Day in Pernod Ricard Slovakia

We are still remembering the International Women’s Day as a day when, apart from symbolic gifts, great talk was given about the role of women in the socialist society, unions contributed kitchen utensils, and carnations were compulsory. However, International Women’s Day has a much longer and deeper history than suggested by these mandatory celebrations. International Women’s Day was first and foremost a day reminiscent of the long and complex history of efforts to achieve equality, electoral law, the right to education, equality in pay and the human rights of women.
Its history dates back to the 19th and 20th centuries, until the industrial boom. It brought the first wave of feminism, which was mainly associated with the struggle for women’s political rights. For the first time, the IWD was celebrated on February 28th, 1909, at the initiative of the US Socialist Party, and preceded by several protests, demonstrations and strikes in New York and Chicago where women demanded shorter working hours, higher wages, and the right to vote. As early as 1910, the IWD was declared an international holiday in an effort to mobilize women’s activism to obtain election law and women’s human rights at international level.
Today, however, it has shifted home and women have become equal to men, and the evidence that men appreciate women in our society is also such a nice surprise that men have prepared for women 🙂
In the office bar area were prepared flowers flowers with women´s names, excellent cheescake and as a bonus Beefeater T-shirts, which will definitely be useful especially during the summer.
Big thanks for all men in PRS 🙂