Pernod Ricard employees to join forces to enhance a biofarm in Stupava

The Responsib’ALLDay initiative covers a lot of ground being in need of help. This year has seen the crucial notion of focusing on the goals of sustainable development, more specifically environmental protection since clear water and biodiversity play a crucial role in Pernod Ricard’s business model. Following the tagline bring good times from a good place, the staffers supported 100 projects of local communities in a joint effort as far as the life on land and clear water are concerned.
The sidewalk on the biofarm in Stupava currently being finished, is finally being improved with special thanks to the 40 Pernod Ricard employees among others. They did make the most of their Responsib´ALLDay cleaning the sidewalk, marking unique trees, installing direction signs, on the other hand though, they weren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty mowing, cutting trees, fixing fences set up alongside the botanic sidewalk. These fixes are supposed to make all visitors feel relaxed in this extraordinary place. The Príroda Biofarm has always made sure to keep this environment a place of relax, chill-out and a beautiful scenery in order to preserve what has been created and passed on us by the previous generations. That is what the above mentioned educational botanic sidewalk is supposed to contribute to. „We are more than happy that we had the chance to do our bit to enhance this place this year, too, the very place that will serve as the perfect environment of relaxation and coziness where people will happily keep coming back to. Social responsibility and sustainable development are the values highly appreciated by Pernod Ricard and we will always join fascinating projects that live by the same philosophy,“ as the CEO, Erik Čížek shared his thoughts.